Educational Tools | Princeton Integrative Health

Rethink PINK

Written by Marcia Wolf | Feb 12, 2020 11:00:00 PM

What Self Love? Love of self or regard for one’s own happiness or advantage.   

What is Self Care? Deliberate, self initiated individual control.

What is Self Loving Care? Individually initiated love of self with the deliberate intent of happiness.  


February is the PINK month, and at Princeton Integrative Health, we focus on different aspects of your whole mind and body with tools and ideas for self care and self love, after all, love is at the heart of our approach to restoring health and healing.


Gathered below are a few words that may help remind you of your positive, incredible, nourished, and knowledgeable existence in the world. Which words strike a chord with you, would you add any others?  


P. Poise, professional, polite, perfect, paradise, palatable, pampered, parental, pathfinder, patriot, peaceful, patient, peppy, perceptive, perky, perseverance, personal, privileged, prize, phenomenon, prepared, planner, play, pleasant, plentiful, poetic, plentiful, plus, plump, positive, powerful, possible, practical, prayer, praise, proactive, productive, proficient, profound, promised prosper, pumped, pure, purposeful.


I. Integrity, innovative, irresistible, ironic, ideal, illuminate, imaginative, immersed, impeccable, important, impressive, improving, incredible, industrious, influential, insightful, intellectual, interesting, intimate, invaluable, involved, irreplaceable. 


N. New, nice, nourish nutrition, namaste, natural, necessary, noble, normal, novel, natural,  neat, notable, nurturing, nifty, newfangled.  


K. Knowledge, kind, keen, knowingly, kudos, keeper, kinetic, kickbutt, kiss, king, kvell, kindred, kid, know-how.  


Put your pencil to paper and create a collection of words for the first letter of your name.  Post your list at your desk, mirror, note on phone, keep your list in your face! Share it with the PIH Facebook group to encourage others to do the same! 

Remember that self-love is not only the key to loving others, but also to healing our bodies and minds. 

From all of us at Princeton Integrative Health, your Partner in Health, have a happy & healthy Valentine's Day!