Educational Tools | Princeton Integrative Health

Update from PIH on Coronavirus

Written by Jenna Richardson | Mar 14, 2020 2:55:07 PM


Here’s the deal. We’ve been monitoring the COVID-19 situation closely and we had all intentions to continue business as usual while taking recommended precautions to prevent spread and stay as healthy as possible

But that all changed this week.

We’ve cancelled our plans to attend a conference in Toronto because there’s just too much uncertainty with air travel and we don’t want to risk getting quarantined and trapped overseas.

So, what are we doing instead?

We’re remaining open for patients for both in-person and virtual sessions and appointments.

We’re not stockpiling face masks, bottled water, or toilet paper. There are vulnerable populations, like those working and being treated in emergency rooms and other healthcare facilities who need these supplies more than we do.

This is a serious threat to many people, and we will encourage healthy people to do their part to protect those at higher risk.

With that goal in mind, we will share information and updates via email and social media to help you stay healthy and supported. You can follow our pages by clicking the icons at the bottom of this email.

It’s normal right now to be confused and most people will react in one of the following ways:

1. They are gripped with fear, become overly protective, and do a lot of irrational things

2. They ignore the threat completely as if it’s no big deal (which can be just as dangerous as over-reacting)

3. They acknowledge the dangers, reduce their immediate risk as much as possible, and trust and follow instructions from health experts and community leaders.

We’re doing #3 and hope you will too.

Again, our focus will be disseminating important and relevant information for the benefit of keeping you as healthy as possible, both mentally and physically.

Here’s the thing…

At the end of the day, our bodies are designed to survive, so we urge you to tune into that place of primal instinct and listen to what it’s telling you. You can and will survive without toilet paper and social distancing will eventually pass, so it’s important not to panic and continue to provide your body with the essential nutrients and support it needs.

If you haven’t been prioritizing your health, this is your opportunity to make some basic, yet significant changes that can arm you with protection to fight this and future unexpected health issues.

It’s never been more important to take control of your health and we’re here to guide you on that journey.

Stay tuned and be well.