Breathing should be simple, right? We may get so caught up in our day-to-day activities that we forget to breathe, or at least breathe well. As Dr. Andrew Weill, a pioneer of complementary and alternative medicine says, "If I had to limit my advice on healthier living to just one tip, it would be simply to learn how to breathe correctly."
Our autonomic system has two sides. Our parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) is also known as Rest & Digest, while our sympathetic nervous system (SNS) is often referred to as the Fight, Flight, or Freeze response. Being in a prolonged sympathetic state can have adverse health effects including: sleep (can cause insomnia) weight gain, elevated blood pressure, elevated blood glucose, dry mouth, impaired immune system, impaired digestion and detoxification, impaired thyroid function, impaired reproductive system function/ lowered libido. In contrast, in the parasympathetic state: the body heals, weight loss can occur more readily, sleep is improved, blood pressure and blood glucose can normalize, the digestive system works more efficiently, the liver is able to detoxify more efficiently, the immune system is kept strong and the body is able to fight off bacteria, viruses, and parasites, the reproductive system functions better and sex hormones function optimally.
There are ways to optimize this autonomic process. Here are four ways to breathe!
Your body relies on oxygen so it’s no wonder why breathing is so important. Breathe better, and you’ll see that you’ll sleep better, digest food more efficiently, improve your body’s immune response, and reduce stress levels.