Bone Health in Women: Can Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Help Prevent Osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a silent but formidable enemy of bone health, particularly in women. As they age, women are at a significantly higher risk of developing this condition, which weakens bones and makes them more susceptible to fractures. While traditional...

Do I have a B12 deficiency?

In the realm of functional and integrative medicine, uncovering the root causes of health issues is paramount. Rather than merely addressing symptoms with a quick fix, these approaches seek to understand the underlying factors contributing to a condition....

This is One Fun Way to Boost Brain Health

Learning a new language is not just about mastering words and grammar; it's a mental workout that shapes and enhances the very structure of your brain. From a neurological perspective, the impact of bilingualism is profound, influencing both grey and white...

Unlocking Heart Health: Apolipoprotein B as a Superior Predictor

Hello, Dr. Vinny here. Heart disease is still the number one cause of death worldwide. When I'm checking my patients for heart disease risk, one important thing I look at is Apolipoprotein B (ApoB). ApoB levels being too high is a concern. Ideally, we want...

The Power of Health Coaching (+ 10 Journal Prompts)

Embarking on a journey towards better health is a commendable goal, but staying focused and motivated can often be a challenging endeavor. This is where health coaching emerges as a beacon of guidance, providing individuals with the support and tools needed...

Bottled Water Revelation: The Invisible World of Nanoplastics

Plastic water bottles are convenient, but at a cost. In this article, we're going to explore what the dangerous invisible truths are lingering in each sip. The typical bottle of water contains almost a quarter million minuscule nanoplastics, recently...

Why Our Staff Loves Walnuts (+ Bonus Harvest Salad Recipe!)

In the world of nutrition, certain foods stand out not just for their taste but also for their remarkable health benefits. One such powerhouse of nutrition is the humble walnut. These brain-shaped nuts aren't just a crunchy snack; they pack a punch when it...

Unlocking Optimal Health: Dr. Vinny's Integrative Approach to Taming Inflammation

Hey there! I'm Dr. Vinny, your PIH's MD, on a journey towards optimal health. Now, if you're tired of the endless hustle and bustle of conventional medicine, and you're seeking a holistic path to wellness, you're in the right place. Today, we're diving deep...

Understanding the Menstrual Cycle and Its Phases

Menstruation is a natural and essential part of a woman's reproductive cycle, but it can often bring discomfort, cramps, and mood swings. During this time, taking care of your body and providing it with the right support is crucial. One way to ease menstrual...

5 symptoms of mold and what to do about it

Not to freak you out, but chances are, you’ve come across mold – and not just in blue cheese. Because mold lives in dark, damp places, we often don't realize its effects until it is too late. Mold can grow on various surfaces including food and pipes,...