Lymphatic Lifeline: Navigating Wellness with Zerona Cold Laser Therapy

The human body is a marvel of interconnected systems, each playing a vital role in maintaining health and vitality. Among these systems, the lymphatic system stands out as a crucial component of our immune and circulatory systems, tasked with removing toxins,...

Supplements for a Healthy Inflammatory Response

✨Steal our top supplement tips for a healthy inflammatory response✨ Inflammation is not entirely evil. We need our bodies to mount an inflammatory response to fight off infections or heal from injuries, but we don’t want to be stuck in a never-ending...

Lifestyle Tips to Combat Inflammation

Did you know you can influence inflammation through your lifestyle? With inflammation contributing to most chronic illness AND many vague and bizarre symptoms… Following an anti-inflammatory lifestyle is basic preventive medicine. Here are some ideas: 🥑...

What’s causing inflammation?

This is going to be controversial but… Chronic inflammation is not a “root cause” of disease. We can document evidence of chronic inflammation on blood tests, but that doesn’t mean we know the cause. 🔥 Why is the inflammation in the first place? What’s...

Nearly every chronic disease is linked to this one thing.

Not enough people are talking about this. Nearly every chronic disease in the world today can be linked back to this same thing. 🔥 Chronic Inflammation 🔥 3 out of 5 people worldwide die because of chronic inflammatory diseases, and the World Health...

Add a Restoring Detox to Your Spring Cleaning To-Do List!

Spring is the perfect time of year to invest in repairing, replenishing, and restoring your body and your health. There is no better way for a reboot than a personal spring cleaning, a detoxification of your organs, systems, and functions to get you back on...

A Pathway toward Health without Dead-Ends

If like most people you have made attempts in the past to improve your health only to be let down each time, we want to show you a better way. Whether you struggle from fatigue, weight gain, chronic pain, low sex drive, mood swings, allergies, depression,...

Don't Hold the (Himalayan) Salt!

Himalayan Rock Salt is highly recommended when you enroll and begin to make changes in the Metabolic Reset Program at Princeton Integrative Health. But what is it and why use it? Himalayan Rock Salt is said to have been discovered in the 11th century and is...

10 Ways to Reduce Stress & Balance the Fight/Flight Hormone, Cortisol!

Cortisol controls many functions in our body including blood sugar levels, metabolism, inflammation, immunity, memory, and blood pressure. Many experts refer to it as our internal fight or flight response. When we’re faced with a crisis, cortisol is our first...

Set & Achieve 2020 Goals: A Simple Way to Keep New Years Resolutions

2020 is clearly here and resolutions are rocking or maybe rolling out the door. Likely, your list includes one of the universal resolutions like cleaning up your diet and losing weight, or being kinder and more intentional, or even working out physically....