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Staying Safe While Shoveling Snow!

It’s officially winter. This week all around the country we saw snowstorms covering big cities and small towns alike. No matter where you live, during the next few months chances are you may see anything from a small dusting in the south to endless snowfall in the mountains. While beautiful and magical at first while we approach what most hope to be a white Christmas, snow inevitably becomes burdensome and bothersome. Eventually it’s time to shovel out our driveways so we can get to work and sidewalks before a town-ordinance violation finds itself taped our front door. Whether you use the traditional shovel or go the way of the modern snowblower, the fact remains that you’re outside in the cold, possibly for hours, being physically active, which will always affect your heart.

Hospitals nationwide see a spike in admissions for heart attacks several days after snowstorms which many believe to be related to snow shoveling. While it is necessary to clear paths to come and go in winter weather, it’s also vital to our health to have a plan during the next few months on how to best protect our own lives first and foremost.

If you have a history of heart related illness or heart disease, it's more than worth it to invest in a plow service which can remove snow for you. Another option is asking an able-bodied neighbor if they can help. They may even have a teenage child in need of some extra cash who would be more than happy to take on the task. If you still feel as though you can brave the cold and do it yourself, take your time and take breaks as needed.

However you decide to deal with removing snow this winter, make absolutely sure you’re being as safe as possible and that you’re putting your health and wellbeing at the forefront. Stay warm!