I did a Myer's Cocktail for the First Time. Here's What I Learned.

I did a Myer's Cocktail for the First Time. Here's What I Learned.

As the Patient Carer Navigator at PIH, I am on the quest for optimal health, leading me to explore many functional wellness treatments. The past couple weekends have been quite intense with traveling for grad school tours and interviews, leaving me depleted before the holiday season. After speaking with Falecia, our IV Nurse, she said: Why not try a Myer's Cocktail?

At this point, I've witnessed hundreds of patients benefit from IVs, and so I figured it was my time to embark on my first experience with this unique form of therapy.

First, what is a Myer's Cocktail?

Myer's Cocktail, a renowned intravenous vitamin infusion, traces its origins back to the 20th century. Developed by the late Dr. John Myers, a physician from Baltimore, Maryland, the cocktail emerged as a response to his quest for effective treatments for a range of medical conditions. In the 1960s and 1970s, Dr. Myers began experimenting with intravenous nutrient therapies, aiming to address issues like fatigue, migraines, and respiratory infections. The original formula included a mix of essential vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, various B-complex vitamins, calcium, and magnesium. Every practice can vary in their ratio of these vitamins and minerals, and can depend on the person. Personally, Falecia started me off with 15 g of vitamin C.

Dr. Myers observed positive outcomes in his patients and continued to refine the cocktail over the years. Though Dr. Myers passed away in 1984, his legacy endures through the widespread adoption of Myer's Cocktail as a complementary therapy in the realm of integrative and functional medicine. The treatment has since gained popularity for its potential to boost energy, support immune function, and contribute to overall well-being.

What's the IV experience like?

PIH's IV room is probably one of the most serene spaces in the Princeton area.  There's soft music playing in the background, and the walls are a dreamy seafoam color.  As I settled into the clinic's comfortable recliner, Falecia explained the components of the Myer's Cocktail IV: a blend of essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, B-complex vitamins, calcium, and magnesium. The mixture is administered directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system for maximum absorption and efficacy. 

Prior to the IV, I filled out some symptoms ratings and an educational consent form, as well as uploading any recent bloodwork. Depending on the type of IV you get, you may be asked to get more bloodwork done, to make sure you don't have a G6PD deficiency. Falecia made sure to warm up my arm beforehand.  As someone with a tendency to faint during blood tests, Falecia was absolutely amazing at slipping in the needle painlessly and seamlessly.  I didn't even flinch. 

About 20 minutes into the hour session, I couldn't help but notice the subtle changes in my body. A wave of warmth spread through my veins, accompanied by a sense of relaxation. Even though I was working throughout my session, I felt more energized and at peace.  I asked Falecia if that was possible, and she said it definitely was - particularly thanks to the magnesium.

One of the primary advantages of Myer's Cocktail is its ability to provide a quick and efficient nutrient boost. The infusion process allows vitamins and minerals to be rapidly delivered to cells throughout the body, providing an almost instant revitalization. For those grappling with fatigue, stress, or weakened immune systems, this immediate impact can be a game-changer.

The Benefits and After-Effects

After my IV, I seriously felt renewed.  I didn't expect the effects to be so immediate and clear as they were.

The benefits of Myer's Cocktail extend beyond mere energy boosts. Many users report improved immune function, helping ward off common illnesses and infections. The high dose of vitamin C in the infusion is particularly renowned for its immune-boosting properties. Regular sessions may contribute to a more resilient and robust immune system, an appealing prospect in an era where health is a top priority for many.

1. Increased Energy Levels: Myer's Cocktail, containing a mix of B-complex vitamins, is known for its ability to boost energy levels. B vitamins play a crucial role in cellular energy production. B-vitamin supplementation can improve energy metabolism and reduce fatigue.
2. Improved Immune Function: Vitamin C is a key component of Myer's Cocktail and is well-established for its immune-boosting properties. Vitamin C enhances various immune system functions, such as the production of white blood cells and the effectiveness of antibodies.
3. Reduced Oxidative Stress: Myer's Cocktail often includes antioxidants like vitamin C and glutathione, which can combat oxidative stress. Antioxidant therapy may reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, contributing to overall health.
4. Migraine Relief: Some patients report relief from migraines with Myer's Cocktail. Magnesium, one of the components of Myer's Cocktail, may be effective in reducing the frequency of migraines.
5. Hydration Support: The infusion of fluids in Myer's Cocktail can assist in hydration. Intravenous hydration can be more effective and rapid than oral rehydration, making it beneficial for individuals with dehydration concerns.
6. Stress Reduction: The B vitamins in Myer's Cocktail, such as B6 and B12, are linked to stress reduction and mood improvement. B-vitamin supplementation may have a positive impact on mood and stress levels.
7. Improved Sleep Quality: Myer's Cocktail includes magnesium, which plays a role in sleep regulation.  Magnesium supplementation may improve subjective measures of insomnia and sleep efficiency.
8. Faster Recovery from Exercise: Athletes may benefit from Myer's Cocktail for faster recovery. The combination of vitamins and minerals in a Myer's Cocktail may reduced muscle soreness and improve recovery after exercise.

Tips for Getting an IV

For those considering Myer's Cocktail or other intravenous therapies, it's essential to be well-informed and prepared. Here are some tips for a positive experience:

1. Research and Choose a Reputable Clinic: There are loads of IV clinics these days, and not all of them do their proper due diligence with patient histories.  Ensure that the clinic administering the IV therapy is reputable, with qualified medical professionals overseeing the process. Research online reviews and ask for recommendations to find a trustworthy provider.
2. Consult with a Healthcare Professional: Before diving into any IV therapy, consult with your primary healthcare provider. They can offer insights into whether the treatment aligns with your health goals and existing medical conditions.
3. Hydrate Before the Session: Proper hydration is crucial for a smooth IV experience. Drinking plenty of water before your appointment can make it easier for the nurse to find a suitable vein and reduce the risk of discomfort during the infusion.
4. Eat a Light Meal: Having a light meal before your session can help prevent dizziness or nausea. While Myer's Cocktail is generally well-tolerated, it's always wise to have a balanced meal before any medical procedure.  Personally, I had a little packet of pistachios ahead of time.
5. Relax and Enjoy the Experience: Once you're in the clinic chair, take the opportunity to relax. Bring a book, listen to music, or meditate to make the experience more enjoyable.


My journey with Myer's Cocktail left me with a newfound appreciation for the potential of intravenous therapies in promoting wellness. While it's essential to approach such treatments with a discerning eye, for me, the positive effects were undeniable. As the world of alternative health continues to evolve, Myer's Cocktail stands out as a unique and promising avenue for those seeking a holistic approach to well-being.

Questions? Call PIH at 609.512.1468 for more information. 
