I Took a Heavy Metals Test. Here's What Happened.

I Took a Heavy Metals Test. Here's What Happened.

Hi, everyone!  I'm Kayla, the Patient Care Navigator at PIH. 

I'm excited to share my journey into the realm of functional medicine testing, specifically when it comes to heavy metals.

Why, you may ask? Well, I have a penchant for fish, which is known to carry quite a bit of heavy metals. So, it's high time I explore the impact of heavy metals on my body and how we can uncover their presence using advanced testing methods. I can't wait to tell you the results!

What is Functional Medicine Testing?

Functional medicine testing is like peeling back the layers of your health story, revealing insights that conventional medicine might miss. It's about digging deeper to identify the root causes of health issues, rather than just treating symptoms. When it comes to heavy metals, functional medicine testing allows us to check for their presence in the body and understand their potential impact on our well-being. A lot of patients don't realize how many toxins have accumulated in the body and are actually part of why they're feeling unwell.

How Heavy Metals Weigh on Your Body

Before we delve into the testing, let's talk about why it's crucial. Heavy metals are, well, heavyweights when it comes to causing health problems. Here's some evidence to back that up:

  • Neurological Impact: Studies have linked heavy metals like lead, mercury, and arsenic to neurological disorders [1]. For instance, lead exposure has been associated with cognitive decline in older adults.

  • Cardiovascular Concerns: Cadmium, often found in cigarettes and certain foods, has been linked to heart problems, including hypertension and atherosclerosis [2].

  • Kidney and Liver Function: Mercury and cadmium can impair the function of these vital organs, potentially leading to serious health complications [3].

  • Immune System Disruption: Heavy metals may weaken the immune system's ability to defend against infections and diseases [4].

  • Developmental Delays: In children, exposure to lead and other heavy metals can lead to developmental delays and behavioral issues [5].

What To Expect

Now, let's get into the nitty-gritty of functional medicine testing for heavy metals. One of the tests that I'm particularly interested in is the Doctor's Data Urine Heavy Metals Test. At PIH, we have the test readily available. Lisa, our Health Coordinator, put in an order of DMSA, a chelating agent, as per Dr. Vinny's prescription. She outlined and highlighted all the steps for me, making me feel very secure about the process of the test.

This test is a non-invasive and accurate way to assess the levels of heavy metals in the body. Here's how it works:

  • Collection: You provide a sample of first morning urine.  After taking your DMSA, you provide a urine sample in the comfort of your home over the course of 6 hours. No needles, no hassle.

  • Comprehensive Analysis: Doctor's Data Laboratory utilizes advanced technology to analyze your sample for a wide range of heavy metals, including lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, and more.

  • Individualized Insights: The test results provide a detailed profile of your heavy metal exposure, which can help identify potential sources of contamination and guide personalized treatment plans.

  • Treatment Guidance: Armed with this information, healthcare practitioners can develop targeted strategies to address heavy metal toxicity, such as chelation therapy, dietary modifications, and lifestyle changes.


After eagerly awaiting my test results, here's what I discovered:

  • Mercury Levels: My mercury levels were way out of range, which was concerning! It seems my seafood choices have caught up with me (pun intended). 

  • Arsenic Levels: The results did reveal slightly elevated levels of arsenic. This finding prompted me to reevaluate my water source and dietary habits, as arsenic can be found in both drinking water and some foods.

  • Action Plan: Armed with this knowledge, I'm going to work with Dr. Vinny and Samantha (Nurse Practitioner) to address these high levels. We're focusing on optimizing my diet, considering a water filtration system, and monitoring my progress.  Part of it is to detox my body of all these heavy metals, so I'll be going on a CellCore detox program.



Functional medicine testing, such as the Doctor's Data Urine Heavy Metals Test, has opened my eyes to the potential impact of heavy metals on my health. By identifying and addressing these issues proactively, I'm on a path to better well-being. So, if you're like me and have concerns about heavy metal exposure, consider exploring functional medicine testing.


Questions? Call PIH at 609.512.1468 for more information 
