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Shoulder Pain

Shoulder Pain

Shoulder Pic


The shoulder is one of the most complicated joints in the body. Although it includes 3 joints and 1 pseudo joint, it is functionally held together by muscles and ligaments. The shoulder should have full and pain-free mobility. In fact, it has 5 primary ranges of motion that we utilize throughout our day. Dysfunction in the shoulder is common but can easily be identified by the Chiropractor early on, so you don’t end up with unnecessary arthritis and pain.  


It is estimated that about 7 in 10 shoulder surgeries can be avoided with more conservative care earlier in life. This is good considering the science is showing us that these surgeries are far from guaranteed and may or may not succeed. As one example, according to Purdue University (2019), “depending on the patient population and on the size of the tear, up to 90 percent of tears repaired surgically fail”. If we make it priority to take good care of our joints, there will be a much less chance that we will be subject to more risky drugs and surgeries.    


Our Doctor of Chiropractic, Dr. Lillee, will evaluate your shoulders and help them get healthy and stay healthy so you don’t end up losing the quality of life that you deserve. Invest in your health now, so you don’t have to suffer unnecessarily in the future. You can Schedule with Dr. Lillee HERE.  


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