Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: How it Works, What it Does, & How it Feels

Have you heard of a hyperbaric oxygen chamber? This treatment will be coming to Princeton Integrative Health in the near future. While it has mainly treated decompression sickness and arterial gas embolism in the past, it has proven to be increasingly...

How to Be a Better Listener: Two Essential Components

If you want to be a great conversationalist, be a good listener. When we talk with a good listener, we feel valued and respected. We feel safe knowing that we won’t be judged and our words will be validated by compassionate ears. In fact, when we’re in a...

Be Blue! The 9 Pillars You Need to Know About Blue Zones

Have you ever heard of “Blue Zones”? This phrase refers to five different regions that researchers have identified as having the highest concentrations of centenarians in the world. Today, the life expectancy of the average American is around 78.2 years. Find...

Support Your Immune System with 5 Simple Supplements!

Winter is coming, but it feels like it decided to arrive a little early here in the northeast. We know how important it is to support our immune system in the colder months, but a little extra Vitamin C doesn't exactly cut it these days. At PIH, we have...

5 Normal Symptoms that Shouldn't be Considered Normal

Even though we live in our bodies 24/7, we sometimes dismiss some subtle signs and symptoms as just the “norm.” Here’s your chance to tune in with your body and make a practice out of it. Re-evaluate what “normal” means to you and what you want your new...

Is SAD making you sad?

Is SAD making us sad? It may be the case. There is emerging evidence that the Standard American Diet (SAD), which is low in fiber and high in sugar and saturated fats, may initiate the inflammatory processes that leads to chronic illness, including worsened...

Improve Your Mood - 3 Situations, 3 Solutions

We’ve all been there: we’re doing fine and then out of seemingly nowhere, a mood hits us. Your mood is the nexus between environmental influences, life events, and your body. Here are three sour scenarios and how you can enter a better headspace. Scenario #1:...

Not So Sweet: The Deal with Artificial Sweeteners

Splenda, Truvia, and Sweet’n’Low oh my! Artificial sweeteners can be found everywhere, so it’s no surprise that eight out of 10 Americans now consume some sort of artificial sweetener. But are you aware of what they can do to your health? What are artificial...

10 Ways to Healthy Aging

September is Healthy Aging Month and the truth is, healthy aging doesn’t have to become a priority late in life. No matter how old you are, one of the best ways to stay healthy as you age is to prioritize preventive health. Here are 10 things you can start...

How Heavy Metals Weigh on Your Body

Heavy metals can accumulate in the body, disputing an individuals’ homeostasis and lead to chronic fatigue, anxiety, insomnia, digestive problems, and even autoimmune diseases. The heavy metals that are believed to cause the most disease are: Arsenic Lead...