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This is Why We Fast

Fasting, a practice entrenched in human tradition for millennia, has transcended its spiritual roots to unveil a treasure trove of health benefits. Recent scientific endeavors have peeled back another layer of its multifaceted efficacy, illuminating its profound impact on inflammation—the silent culprit behind numerous chronic ailments. In this exploration, we delve into the intricate mechanisms underpinning how fasting orchestrates a symphony of cellular processes to combat inflammation, offering a beacon of hope for millions worldwide.

Understanding Inflammation

Inflammation, an evolutionary defense mechanism against threats, sometimes metamorphoses into a double-edged sword, underpinning the pathogenesis of various chronic diseases. Central to this saga is the inflammasome, a cellular sentinel designed to protect but paradoxically capable of fostering inflammation. Particularly, the NLRP3 inflammasome emerges as a protagonist in this narrative, wielding its power to either shield or wreak havoc within the body's confines.

In the medical realm, diagnosing inflammation necessitates deciphering the cryptic language of biomarkers. These biochemical sentinels, ranging from Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) to C-reactive protein (CRP), unveil the body's inflammatory landscape, offering crucial insights into disease severity. While non-specific to any singular malady, these markers serve as invaluable guides in navigating the tumultuous terrain of inflammation-driven disorders.

How to Fast

To embark on a fasting journey, it's crucial to start gradually and choose a fasting method that aligns with your lifestyle and health goals.

Begin by selecting a fasting protocol, such as intermittent fasting or time-restricted eating, which involves limiting your eating window to a set number of hours each day. Alternatively, you may opt for periodic fasts, where you abstain from food for extended periods, ranging from 24 hours to several days.

During your fasting period, focus on staying hydrated by consuming plenty of water, herbal teas, and electrolyte-rich beverages to support your body's functions and alleviate hunger pangs. Be mindful of your body's signals and break your fast gently with nutrient-dense foods to prevent digestive discomfort.

Listen to your body and tailor your fasting approach to suit your individual needs and preferences. Remember, fasting is not one-size-fits-all, so experiment with different methods until you find what works best for you. Above all, approach fasting with patience, mindfulness, and a commitment to your health and well-being.

The Role of Fasting in Inflammation Reduction

The enigmatic connection between fasting and inflammation reduction has captivated researchers for decades, prompting rigorous investigations into its underlying mechanisms. A groundbreaking study led by Cambridge University scientists delved into this phenomenon, enrolling volunteers in a fasting regimen to unravel the intricacies of fasting-induced inflammation modulation.

The findings were paradigm-shifting: fasting triggered a surge in arachidonic acid levels, contrary to previous assumptions linking it with exacerbating inflammation. Surprisingly, this uptick in arachidonic acid appeared to quell the activity of the NLRP3 inflammasome, exerting a dampening effect on inflammation. This newfound role of arachidonic acid challenges conventional wisdom, positioning it as a molecular switch capable of curbing unnecessary inflammatory responses, particularly those stemming from non-threatening stimuli.

The implications of fasting-induced inflammation reduction extend far beyond mere dietary adjustments, transcending into the realm of pharmacotherapy. The study's revelations offer insights into the mechanisms underpinning the efficacy of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like aspirin. By potentially elevating arachidonic acid levels, aspirin might mimic fasting's anti-inflammatory effects, dampening inflammasome activity and mitigating inflammation.

However, while aspirin holds promise as a therapeutic agent, caution is warranted due to potential side effects associated with prolonged use. Medical guidance remains paramount, emphasizing the importance of a holistic approach encompassing lifestyle modifications, dietary interventions, and judicious medication use in inflammation management.


In the quest to combat inflammation, fasting emerges as a potent ally, offering a multifaceted approach to disease prevention and management. The symbiotic relationship between fasting and inflammation reduction unveils a realm of therapeutic possibilities, reshaping our understanding of health and wellness. As we delve deeper into the intricate mechanisms governing this alliance, the transformative potential of fasting in fostering longevity and vitality becomes increasingly evident. By harnessing the healing power of fasting, we embark on a journey towards holistic well-being, poised to conquer the tide of inflammation and reclaim our health.

Not sure how to get started with fasting?  Our CNS Lee Yonish can help out with divising a nutritional plan for you!

Questions? Call PIH at 609.512.1468 for more information.