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What our Founder Want Moms to Know About Self-Care

Hi there, it’s Jenna, the Clinical Director and Functional Medicine Practitioner. 

At Princeton Integrative Health, we understand that for any mom, taking care of yourself is a truly transformative and essential endeavor. In today's fast-paced world, making your health a top priority is not just important; it's absolutely vital. If the challenges of the pandemic have taught us anything, it's the importance of being deliberate and mindful in how we nurture ourselves.

I know that, for most moms, finding time for self-care can feel like an impossible task when you're also responsible for the emotional, social, mental, and physical well-being of your entire family. 

I’m here to share with you some holistic strategies that can incorporate science-backed self-care routine into your life, even when you're juggling too many demands with limited time and energy. At Princeton Integrative Health, we believe in treating the whole person, and that starts with taking care of yourself. 

Why moms need to integrative and functional self-care 

As a mom, I completely understand that asking a parent to add one more thing to their never-ending to-do list might seem unrealistic. But trust me, it's worth it in the long run. I've seen so many moms dealing with higher levels of fatigue and stress, and unfortunately, they often rate their overall health as worse than women without children. It's not just a feeling; there's science to back it up. 

A study published in Preventative Medicine even found that for each child a woman has, her risk of obesity increases by 7 percent [1]. Now, I know there are many factors at play when it comes to symptoms like fatigue and weight gain. Postpartum hormonal changes are common, but they shouldn't be ignored because they can lead to health issues down the road. 

Another thing to be aware of is hypothyroidism, which can develop postpartum due in part to certain immune system changes that occur. I get it; being a mom means going through a whirlwind of physical, emotional, and mental fluctuations during those childbearing years. That's why it's essential to be mindful of holistic methods for taking care of yourself. 

In my experience, there's a distinction between self-care and science-backed self-care. Let me give you an example: the classic "relaxing bubble bath." What I'd recommend is taking it up a notch by cutting out the alcohol, ditching the iPad in the bathtub, and instead, adding some Epsom salts and lavender essential oils. These elements are backed by science—and trust me, I can stand behind them. Your well-being matters, and incorporating these science-backed self-care practices can make a real difference in your life. 


5 ways moms can prioritize self-care 

Self-care is about showing up for yourself consistently, just as you would do for those you love. It isn't something you do just once. Find those 5 minutes (or more) in your day to give yourself some loving attention. 

  • Mix Up Your Self-Care Activities: Sometimes, we tend to gravitate towards one go-to activity for self-care, like jogging every morning. While it's excellent to have a routine, it can also become monotonous. I like to suggest trying different things. For instance, if you're into fitness, consider mixing up your workouts with yoga, swimming, or dance classes throughout the week. Or, if you have “coffee” time every morning, try switching Variety not only keeps things exciting but also engages different muscle groups and prevents overuse injuries. 
  • Cultivate a Supportive Environment: Our daily lives are intertwined with the people and communities we interact with. To prioritize self-care, take a look at your circle and surroundings. Do you have a support system in place? This could include friends, family, or local parent groups. Reach out to them, organize meet-ups, or join online communities. Sharing experiences and advice with fellow moms can be incredibly uplifting and provide a sense of belonging. 
  • Self-Care as You Care for Others: As moms, we're experts at nurturing and caring for our children. But we often neglect ourselves in the process. Think of self-care as setting an example for your kids. Show them that taking care of oneself is essential. For instance, if you're teaching your child to have a healthy screen time limit, apply the same rule to yourself. This not only benefits your well-being but also instills healthy habits in your little ones. 
  • Build a Trusted Medical Team: Finding a healthcare provider you trust is paramount for self-care. Consider this scenario: You've been experiencing unexplained fatigue for weeks. Instead of brushing it off, you consult with a healthcare provider who takes your concerns seriously. They run a battery of tests, including thyroid and hormone panels, and discover an underlying issue that can be addressed. This proactive approach to healthcare ensures you're at your best for your family. This is the type and quality of care you find at PIH. 
  • Adjust Your Expectations: Moms often set high standards for themselves. It's vital to recognize when these expectations become unrealistic and detrimental to our well-being. For example, imagine you're juggling work, household chores, and childcare, and you feel guilty every time you take a moment for yourself. Instead, create a daily routine that includes a designated "me time" slot. During this hour, do something you enjoy, like reading, painting, or meditating. This not only boosts your mood but also reinforces that self-care is non-negotiable. 


How PIH can help

Feeling overworked? Sluggish? Burnt out? Check out our programs that address the root cause of your fatigue, as well as some services that might boost your energy in the meantime.



Remember, self-care is not selfish. Ultimately, taking care of yourself as a mom is a radical act. So, let's embrace these self-care practices, not only for our sake but for the well-being of our families too. After all, when we're at our best, we can give our best.  





Questions? Call PIH at 609.512.1468 for more information