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How to Identify, Minimize, and Eliminate Toxicity

Toxins are the poisons of life we must all eliminate. Some come from our environment, some are self-induced, and others are normal byproducts of our everyday metabolism. In particular, a biotoxin is a living organism (the gun) that produces toxins (the bullets) that are damaging to the host organism (us!). Examples of biotoxins are molds, lyme spirochetes, bacteria that cause red tide, others. In this blog, we'll be talking about what toxins do and how toto get rid of them.

The liver is our main detoxification organ. We also eliminate toxicities through our bowel movements, urine, and through sweating. Whenever our toxicity exposure exceeds our ability to eliminate toxins, symptoms develop. 

25% of the population are genetically predisposed to having a difficult time eliminating toxins. Those of you in this group are especially prone to symptoms and must make special efforts to minimize exposure and maximize elimination of toxins. 


Where Can You Find Toxins

The highest concentration of toxins are derived from glycophosate (found in the pesticide Roundup). Roundup is commonly used in the U.S. to spray our agriculture, highways, parks, and playgrounds to kill weed. Toxins can also be found in plastics, make up, water, and more. We recommend looking at the Environmental Working Group's suggestions for non-toxic products and companies.


How Toxins Affect You

Your body relies on enzymes to function. Toxins damage enzymes and therefore undermine countless bodily functions, such as lowering the body's capacity to prevent the free-radical damage that accelerates aging. Toxins displace structural minerals, resulting in weaker bones.

Symptoms include: fatigue, body aches, chills, fibromyalgia, joint aches, different skin sensations, vertigo, brain fog, vision changes, ice pick sensations, skin rashes, heart palpitations, many GI symptoms, and others. 


Toxicity Action Steps 

Once you stop taking new toxins in, your body is better at cleansing your system. In most cases, you can avoid invasive procedures by simply providing support through diet and lifestyle changes.

The following information is not meant to be a comprehensive instruction book of how to detoxify, but something that you can further discuss the details with your medical provider and health coach. 

Start with steps 1 and 2. These are ways to minimize your exposure as much as possible, and ways to maximally eliminate toxicity that enters your world. 

Step one - minimize toxin exposure 

1. Consumption sources - Maximally consume clean air, clean water, clean food 
  • Get HEPA air filters with VOC filters- replace them at least every 6 months with a MERV 7 or higher filter 
  • Air purifier- Get one with a capacity to replace air every 20-30 minutes and know how many square feet it will cover. 
  • Dehumidify your home- ideally below 40% (reduces mold) 
  • Water 
  • Drink only filtered or spring water. 
  • Avoid BPA plastic 
  • Reverse osmosis is best, but you may need a mineral supplement. 
  • Food 
  • Maximize organic foods to avoid pesticides and other chemicals 

Minimize mold containing foods 

Best foods for detoxification 

  • Grains, especially corn 
  • Peanuts 
  • Old fruits and vegetables 
  • Coffee and chocolate- Consider Purity coffee if you know or suspect you have mold toxicity. 
  • Cruciferous vegetables (Broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cauliflower, bok choy, cabbage) 
  • Curry/turmeric root 
  • Pomegranate, berries, grapes 
  • Citrus fruits 
  • Walnuts, pumpkin seeds 
  • Black currents 
  • Algae 
  • Salmon, trout, shrimp, crayfish 
  • Green tea 
  • Chicory root 
  • Turkey, pork, chicken 
  • Grilled meats 
2. Identify and eliminate external sources in your environment 
  • Skin  
  • Avoid letting chemicals touch your skin- examples: garden chemicals, insect sprays, and household cleaners 
  • Wear gloves when using cleaners 
  • Remove your shoes when entering your house  
  • Mold - Toxic mold is arguably the most significant environmental source of toxicity. Home and workplace are major sources of toxic mold. 
  • Consider having your home and work screened for toxic mold. If screening is abnormal, you will need a professional evaluation 
  • Clean or replace carpets, upholstery, wood flooring and cabinets 
  • Pursue professional remediation of toxic mold or volatile organic compounds discovered

Step two - Poop it out, pee it out, sweat it out! 

1. These are the ways we naturally detoxify   

  • Drink lots of clean water to maximize kidney function 
  • Take measures to ensure at least one bowel movement daily 
  • Detoxify through the skin with sweating exercise, purchase an infrared sauna, epsom salt baths. 
  • Dietary regimens that support liver, kidney, gut, and gallbladder
2. Support your liver and gallbladder with detoxification 
  • Supplements that support detoxification 
  • Binders that trap toxins in your intestine to reduce reabsorption and increase their elimination 

Step three - Protocols to identify, unearth and eliminate any mold, bacteria, viruses, and heavy metals that have accumulated over the years 

These sources of toxicity can come from a single event or accumulate over a lifetime, especially in those who genetically have a difficult time eliminating these invaders. Work with your medical provider to establish a personalized plan to reduce their toxic effects. 

It is best to begin this process after you’ve prepared yourself to process these toxicities being unearthed with the first two steps. 

The PIH Perspective

Many people who come in concerned with migraines, fatigue, and more often have underlying toxicities. In fact, it's rare nowadays for people not to have it. That's why we believe in testing for these toxicities and helping formulate a protocol that enhances your body's cleansing properties.